曾經看過一部電影,片中,一位統領三軍的美國元首對他任命的國防部長說:It’s going to be my legacy. 字幕出現的中文翻譯是: 它將成為我的遺產。顯然,譯者在處理這段文字的時候,並沒有這把這句話的正確意思交代清楚,究其原因,有可能是本身經驗不足,無法像專業人士那樣仔細去探討legacy這個字在這個特殊語境中的含意,但也有可能是他跟大多數人一樣,根本不知道英文裏頭有許多生字,除了字典上的解釋外,還有其他多種意思,必須自己用心去思考、去推敲。如果學生沒有這種認知,不知道釋義(definition)與翻譯(rendition)的差別在哪裡,要了解英文字辭的真正語意,就會非常的困難。譬如,在奇摩的字典中,legacy列了兩個中文字義,一個是「遺產;遺贈」,一個是「留給後人的東西」,兩者皆釋義,但第一個解釋「遺產」符合文中例句的語意,因此,也是正確的翻譯,第二個解釋則不然,因為,無論如何,你都無法將之套進句子裏頭,所以,譯者根據文中例句的語意將它翻譯成「精神財富」(實際上應該是「資產」),如果你弄不清楚這點,無法區分字典上的東西哪些是釋義、哪些是翻譯,很容易就會跟大家犯同樣的錯,把artifacts翻譯成「工藝品」(實際上應該是文物或器物),把orchestrate翻譯成「精心安排」(實際上應該是發動、推展、設計、籌辦、策動、規劃、製造),因此,你應該知道,只做籠統性的解釋,不加例句說明的通常都是釋義,只有經過多方考量反映實際文義的才叫翻譯,如果馬驢不分,照單全收,弄出來的東西,一定不像樣。畢竟,一般的英漢辭典涉及的層面十分廣泛,參與這項龐大工程的人員根本不可能就所有的字義一一做出適當的翻譯,參考的人如果不小心,盡信字典,就會受到誤導,產生嚴重的錯誤,這是到現在還有不少人相信cheerleader是啦啦隊長的原因,就因為多數人對容易引起混淆的英文生字一知半解,馬總統上任後由於抱怨人民不相信政府所說的cynical,才紛紛被不具英文專業的名嘴或自認本身有英文學養的部落格作家拿來討論,甚至有專業人士(所謂的編譯)光憑韋氏字典的定義對這個字大作文章,殊不知,在英文的領域,並非所有的註解都沒有問題,也不是單單一本字典就能涵蓋所有的定義(查alphaDictionary的網站,你可以看到二、三十本字典,每本,都有自己的定義),cynical做「憤世嫉俗」解,根本就是LKK的人亂扯一通,卻一再被不明究理的現代人奉為圭臬,足見國人學英文只知墨守成規,不知時代在轉變,否則,你去翻閱有關cynical的例句,看有沒有「憤世嫉俗」的意思。因此,跟人家講述英文字辭,絕對不能只憑定義──特別是,老舊或講得不明不白的定義──否則,你會跟多數人那樣,把condescending說成「屈尊施惠」,讓大家感到一頭霧水。所以,字辭是否正確,不是說你引經據典、你有本就算,要實際去了解句子,實際去掌握不斷更新的語意,才稱得上專業。在這方面,Cambridge Dictionaries可說遠遠勝過Merriam-Webster,網路上若干查詢工具(如Dictionary.com)也比韋氏優異,如果你不懂得使用這些利器,怎可能了解最新的辭句,做出最恰當的翻譯?
這麼說的話,當然會引起眼高手低的嫌疑,但,你敢提理論,就得有接受批判的心理準備,不然,所謂的半調子,從何而來?幸好,在我的辭典中,legacy的字義已經列了四十多個,全都有例句,你要挑戰我,就得先做功課,如果你沒有耐心,不詳加研究,保證你永遠不懂It’s going to be my legacy的意思,我從事翻譯工作多年,編著英漢漢英辭典多本,想要傳遞的,就是這個訊息,在出版《新聞英文最新語彙翻譯辭典》的前夕重申這樣的理念,只是希望有更多的人來分享我的東西,否則,人家怎知,這樣的作為,「事關我的歷史地位」,涉及我做為一個嚴謹翻譯工作者的尊嚴?
1績。 He is not a President who dreams of leaving behind a few treaties as his political legacy. 他不是那種希望留下幾項條約當政績的總統。2遺傳。 My kids are taking steps (exercise, lots of fruits and vegetables) to counter the family legacy. 我的小孩都在採取步驟 (運動,多吃蔬果)來反制家族遺傳。 3香火延續。 The problem here really is the legacy. Gandhi is the torch-bearer of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty. 這裡的問題實際上就是這個香火延續,甘地是尼赫魯-甘地政治王朝的傳承人。4世襲。 With the notable exceptions of the Roosevelt, legacy Presidents have been mediocre. 除了羅斯福父子之外,世襲總統都是平庸的。5成就。Lee’s little nation is a testimony to what hard work and discipline can do to improve lives. That, perhaps, is legacy enough. 李光耀帶領的小國證明只要努力和守法就可改善生活,這或許就是了不起的成就。6傑出貢獻。For Lions fans, his legacy is more than a list of boggling statistics. 對獅隊球迷來說,他的傑出貢獻絕對不只是一堆令人眼花撩亂的統計數字而已。Baseball to celebrate Robinson’s legacy today. 棒壇人士今天表揚羅賓森的傑出貢獻。7 (偉大)事蹟。The National Baseball Hall of Frame’s board of Directors has a very strong commitment to keeping his legacy alive forever. 棒球名人堂董事會有相當的誠意要讓他的偉大事蹟永垂不朽。He left many remarkable and controversial legacies from his 22 years in power. 他在位二十二年留下許多不尋常,有爭議的事蹟。To lure tourists, Rwanda might have tried to hide its brutal legacy. 為了吸引觀光客,盧安達可能會試圖隱瞞它慘無人道的事蹟。8功勞。 The Yankees’ 27th championship will be Damon’s legacy. 洋基二十七度拿到世界冠軍要算戴蒙的功勞。9政績。 If we don’t keep Congress, there won’t be a legacy. 我們保持不住國會就不會有政績。10產物。 Those two phony images are the sad legacy of this election year. 這兩個虛假的形象都是這個選舉年的不幸產物。India’s use of English is a legacy of British colonialism. 印度會使用英文就是英國殖民主義的產物。 11蹟。 archeological legacy. 古蹟。12包袱。He leaves the legacy of economic reform. 他留下經改的包袱。13建樹。 Many people have grave doubts about other aspects of his legacy. 許多人對他其他方面的建樹相當質疑。Last week he talked exclusively with People about his legacy and his plans for the future. 上星期他接受時人雜誌專訪時談到他的建樹和未來的計劃。14功過。Sizing up Blair’s Legacy. 評斷布萊爾的功過。15資歷。 As for Disney CEO Eisner, the notorious micromannager has a 20-year legacy to protect. 至於迪士尼的執行長艾思那,以管家婆著稱的他有二十年的資歷可以保護。16歷史地位。 Good Presidents do not have to write books to shape their legacy. 好總統不用寫書來確立自己的歷史地位。Bush’s legacy will depend on whether he can stabilize Iraq and get the troops home. 布希的歷史地位將依他能否穩定伊拉克政局以及將軍隊帶回而定。17歷史資產。 That spirit of inquiry is Marco Polo’s greatest legacy. 那股探究未知世界的精神是馬可波羅最大的歷史資產。18 輝煌紀錄。 Suggestions of drug use cloud her legacy. 服用禁藥的傳聞讓她的輝煌紀錄蒙上陰影。19陰影。 Fifteen years on, they still wrestle with Tiananmen legacy. 十五年過去了,他們還是難以擺脫天安門事件的陰影。20餘毒。 It will take more than one election to clean up the legacy of authoritarian rule. 要清理極權統治的餘毒不是舉行一次選舉就可以了。The legacy of Nazism did not altogether disappear from Germany after World War II. 二次大戰後納粹主義的餘毒並未完全從德國消失。21 遺禍。 Though the war ended 25 years ago, its legacy continues to affect the lives of Vietnamese. 雖然戰爭在二十五年前結束, 它的遺禍卻繼續影響越南人的生活。22 後果。 One of the legacies of seven years of rule by the army chief is a Pakistan that has become deeply divided. 被軍事領袖統治七年的後果之一就是嚴重對立的巴基斯坦。23後裔。 He was a legacy of an aristocratic family. 他是一個貴族世家的後裔。 24造成的結果。 Firestone has seemed slow and unresponsive, a legacy, perhaps, of its parent company in Japan. Firestone似乎反應很慢,甚至沒有反應,這或許是它在日本的母公司造成的結果。25後座影響力。 The answer depends on how enduring, and far-reaching his legacy turns out to be. 答案端賴他的後座影響力會持續多久,有多深遠而定。26事業。 His legacy took a body blow in 1988. 一九八八年他的事業遭受嚴重的打擊。27地位。 Thanks to VW’s legacy as a state-owned company, the state still holds an 18 percent stake. 由於福斯公司具有國營事業的地位,這個州仍然持有百分之十八的股權。28殘餘勢力。 The President worries that demolishing Zia’s legacy too rashly could spark widespread violence. 總統擔心太快摧毀齊亞的殘餘勢力會到處引起暴力衝突。29後事。 He says he doesn’t think about his legacy or how others might regard him when he is gone. 他說他沒想到他的後事,也沒想到他走了之後其他人會怎麼看他。30 結局。The legacy of this war still hangs in the balance. 這場戰爭的結局仍然難料。31 遺志。Ever since she was a girl, she has been obsessed with carrying on her father’s legacy. 她從小就一心一意要完成父親的遺志。32 經驗。He’s a Torre protégé and he will defer to Torre’s legacy. 他是托瑞的子弟兵, 會聽取托瑞的經驗。33紀錄。to explore the area’s brutal legacy of lynching. 探討該區慘無人道的私刑記錄。34聲名。 He has put himself in a position where his legacy as the greatest pitcher in Baseball will depend less on his E.R.A. and more on his DNA. 他已經讓自己陷入一個他身為棒壇最偉大投手的聲名將由他的DNA而非由他的投手防禦率來決定的處境。35留下的資產。 We are lucky to have his recordings, which are his legacy. 我們有幸擁有他的唱片,那是他留下的資產。36傳統。 Last year was the first time since September 11 when none of the legacy carriers was in bankruptcy. 去年是九一一以來第一次沒有傳統航空公司倒閉。37廢料。 They also argue that the industry has yet to confront its toxic legacy. 他們還說核電業者尚未解決其毒廢料的問題。 38 爛攤子。 Of all of Suharto’s legacies, corruption has been the hardest to live down. 在蘇哈托的所有爛攤子當中,貪瀆是最難被人忘記的。39措施。 People begin to bridle at the restrictive legacies these leaders left behind. 人民開始不滿這些領袖留下來的管制措施。40施政結果。 His long-term legacy could include renewed ethnic tension and economy hobbled by corruption. 他長期的施政結果可能包括族群再度緊張以及受到貪腐拖累的經濟。41過去。 Some of the problems haunting Africa today are left over from its colonial legacy. 非洲今日面對的問題有些是它的殖民過去所留下的。42傳承。 On Sunday, Mr. Obama embraced the legacy by standing in for Mr. Kennedy. 星期天,歐巴馬接替甘迺迪擁抱這項傳承。43功績。John Paul II’s legend and legacy. 教宗保祿二世的傳奇與功績。Who can lay claim to King’s legacy? 誰能擁抱金恩的功績?
1文物。 The museum housed key artifacts of ancient Mesopotamia. 這所博物館藏有古美索布達米亞的文物。2器。 bronze artifacts 銅器。
1發動。 Over the past three weeks, the opposition has orchestrated huge anti-government rallies. 過去三星期,在野勢力一直發動大型反政府示威。It has been difficult to tell if he was orchestrating a loyalty purge or making an example of some of the CIA’s best operative. 很難看出他是在發動忠誠整肅還是在拿中情局一些頂尖幹員殺雞儆猴。Thousands of hospital workers joined strikes orchestrated by an umbrella union. 成千上萬名醫院工人參與由雨傘工會發動的罷工。2推展。 In the past few years, China has embarked on the boldest nuclear-energy plan since the one orchestrated by the U.S. in the 1970s. 過去幾年,中國一直在進行自一九七零年代美國推展核電廠以來最大膽的核能計劃。3設計。 a well-orchestrated plan. 一個精心設計的計劃。He was accused of orchestrating the accounting fraud that toppled the company. 他被指控設計讓這家公司垮台的會計欺詐案。4籌辦。 At the time he was orchestrating a glitzy celebration to celebrate our victory in the elections. 當時他正籌辦一場盛大的慶祝會以慶祝本黨在各級選舉中的勝利。5舉辦。 He will run in the January elections being orchestrated by the new government. 他將參加一月由新政府舉辦的選舉。6策動。 She took over the GNP two years ago and orchestrated a string of political victories. 她在兩年前接掌國大黨,並且策動一連串的政治勝利。He believes that Beijing is orchestrating the presence of Chinese nationls in strategic global locations. 他相信北京正策動中國人在全球戰略位置的佈局。7規劃。 It showed that government could orchestrate constructive change. 它顯示政府能夠規劃建設性的改革。8策劃。 The escape could have been orchestrated by him. 這次的逃獄可能是他策劃的。9製造。 They accused him of orchestrating sham transactions that hid losses and inflated the company’s net worth. 他們指控他製造隱匿損失將公司淨值灌水的假交易。10進行。 He may be orchestrating more damage control. 他可能在進行更多的損害管控。11推動。 Beijing is now orchestrating an industrial revolution. 北京現在正在推動一項產業革命。The boom in China has been orchestrated by the government. 中國的繁榮一直是由政府推動。
1抱持悲觀的態度。 In the face of such powerful belief, you have to be pretty cynical not at least to wish for a miracle. 面對如此強大的信仰,要完全不希望奇蹟,你就得抱持十分悲觀的態度。2懷疑(的)。 I constantly reminded myself not to be unduly cynical about the men and women in public service. 我經常提醒自己不要過度懷疑擔任公職的人。Beijing’s cynical approach toward relations with Tokyo is part of the problem. 北京對中日關係抱持懷疑的態度也是問題的一部份。3存疑。 I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, it was the start of a new Arab world. 我對伊拉克的情勢存疑,但當我看到三個星期之前伊拉克人民投票時,那便是一個新阿拉伯世界的開始。4不相信。 This episode explains why Okinawans are cynical about their relationship with Tokyo. 這件事說明沖繩人為何不相信他們和東京之間的關係。5不信任。 That explains why Mexicans are so deeply cynical about their law-enforcement agencies. 這也就是墨西哥人對他們的執法單位那麼不信任的原因。
1一副高高在上的樣子。 These doctors are dismissive, arrogant and condescending. 這些醫師瞧不起人, 狂妄自大, 一副高高在上的樣子。2傲慢的。 He will never say anything condescending or goofy. 他絕對不會說傲慢的話或蠢話。