2012年4月11日 星期三

Finally, Dad is Home

By klin Cheng
April 10, 2012 

It didn’t happen until three and half a months after he was hospitalized for an unexpected car accident. The long wait prompted by that unfortunate happening reduced him to a bag of bones and denied his all-time wish to die a natural death, as from the moment he was doomed he had unwittingly turned himself into a reluctant patient destined to endure the devastating consequences of elongated surgical treatment and the inevitable effects of Alzheimer’s disease. I felt sorry for that, because despite all my efforts I still fell short of turning him back to normal. In a short time period he had ceased to recognize me and wouldn’t bother saying anything heartily, even though the breathing pipe that hindered him from doing so was already removed. I couldn’t tell from his expression what he was thinking, or how he felt about his circumstances. He just stared at me like a new-born babe. In no way could you induce him to smile at you as he did in the past. I couldn’t believe that everything changed so quickly that in no time he had become a stranger, indifferent to those around him, and ignorant of the outside world that once captivated him so much. Such was his unavoidable fate, coming to pass through his unyielding personality or, as you would say, his stupid obstinacy. It’s something I knew from the very beginning of the incident. Yet, I couldn’t do much to help him throughout the entire process of his worsening health. Still, you couldn’t terminate your concern and pretend none of that was your business, as all my life I never paid something back  in return for his awesome contribution to me—that included tuition, board and meal for four years high school and eight years college education. Of course, he gave that as a father and I took that as his son. But, even if I were willing, I could never have done the same thing for my kids. I just wondered how he could be so determined as to sacrifice himself for us, becoming larger-than-life. But it was not because of his greatness in this respect that I decided to do my bit as a son for him. It was because I had come to the realization that the force that drove me to continue my humanist pursuits, the force that helped heal my soul, the force that elevated me to the state of spiritual holiness would all the more be an indispensable contributor to my dignified existence. Thus, I couldn’t turn my back on the man who needed me most by betraying my faith. This is an example that I will set for my daughters, though in his earlier days dad told us not to save him if he couldn’t turn it around. But how can one see his beloved elderly passing away without doing anything? A custodial care worker employed by me at the hospital told me the reason why she needed a lucrative job: She incurred up to NT$ 2 million debts via credit card borrowing to sustain the life of her father. That’s a divine thing—by her noble action she had surpassed herself and us all. How could that be possible for me if I remained as apathetic as before, committed only to a silly cause that looked so funny to everyone else? As the black sheep of the family, I never gave Dad a chance to see me as a writer. And he never got a chance to read what I wrote for him and for others. That is a great pity, as I want Dad to be proud of me, proud of all the things I have done in this world, because, without him breaking his back to support me, I could never have the leeway to be myself.
Now, Dad is home. I feel comforted—throughout his life, he never lived in a decent house like this (a completely refurbished one), and never accompanied by a gentle lady hired at the cost of NT$2,000 a day for around the clock service. It was a wish I had made since I moved myself back to my hometown for his sake. With all brand-new equipments and medical devices available, it certainly is a better place for him. Though Dad could no longer lavish praises on me for the food I prepared, I still feel happy for being able to act out that wish and see him at ease. After all, that’s the life I took with pride.  

2012年4月8日 星期日


March 28April 8, 2012


  四十年前,我因為無知與愚蠢,急著想要達成健身的目的,所以多管齊下,利用學校的單槓、雙槓以及自己購買的啞鈴、拉力器進行重量訓練,結果,拉傷了筋肉,後悔一輩子。這期間,我看遍各處中西醫,試過多種治療酸痛的藥,都無效,每天,一躺到床上,就得忍受盲目鍛鍊胸肌的後果──不是說像痛風發作那樣痛到哀哀叫,而是,頸肩肌肉發炎的部位,不時拉緊,讓你睡不著覺。當然,我生活照常,別人也不知道我身上有甚麼異樣,只是,打球的時候,使不出力,送出去的球,老是被當肉包,讓我的雙打搭擋感到很怨嘆,但,我知道自己已經不能夠發力顯威,不想為了逞一時之勇把已經受傷的手弄到更糟,因此,那段期間,我在球場覺得很窩齉,好像,自己能扮演的角色,只是軟腳蝦,不管別人如何槌我,激我,我都無法反擊。在這種情況下,我當然必須勤練技術,才能取勝。可是,要不是遇到貴人,讓我學到一生受用無窮的另類療法,減緩自己身上的痛傷,在球場,我可能還是滷肉腳。當時,我已經對所有宣稱能夠改善痠痛的方法感到失望,只因向我介紹這項療法的人跟我有革命情感,我才重新燃起希望──用這種方法,她不但治癒了僵硬的肌肉,恢復了靈活的身手,還在網壇更上一層樓。所以,在她的建議之下,我出遠門去見她師父,請他替我療傷。剛開始的時候,我以為這是高深莫測的學問,要有精湛的醫術,才能行使。但,看起來很玄的東西,其實一點都不玄,講甚麼穴道,根本是唬人,重點,只在你能不能找到痛點,你對針砭的作用,是否了解,大部分民俗醫學不可信之處,在於欠缺科學根基,所講的一套,往往經不起考驗--譬如,雞肉不能吃,、甚麼不能吃──所以,每次這些類如半仙的人說我骨位不正時,我都當屁話聽──好好的人,聽他們這樣講,不發病也難。一些庸醫,甚至只會放血--肌肉痠痛放血,腳踝扭傷放血,甚麼都放血。有的,不管三七二十一,只要聽說是運動傷害,就馬上進行骨盤矯正,還拿著片子做解析,彷彿,他們對西醫,也有了解。這些人做出的醫療行為究竟有無實質效益,一般人其實很難判定,因為,一時的舒緩,多半治不了沉疴。我罹患的慢性肌腱炎,當時已經將近三十年,不僅筋變硬,肌肉也變硬,想在短期之內痊癒,不是那麼容易,敢貿然一試,只因,我相信,用尖銳的東西去刺筋肉不會造成傷害,必定有無法用常理去解釋的原因──把思考放在這裏,你就不會奇怪,何以這種醫術具有令人意想不到的療效。砭術治傷的原理,基本上就是剷除傷痛部位長期累積的穢物,讓筋路活絡,只要通過醫療實踐,你就會發現,調理痛傷最有效的方法,就是砭術,因為,它能作用到機體深部,不是一般人常用的拔罐、刮痧能比──當然也不是西醫的電療或超音波熱療能比。或許,你會問,這麼好的東西,為何這麼少人接受?我想,怕痛,是原因之一;缺乏耐性,是原因之二,以我個人來說,從開始嚐試到現在,已經歷經十二載,每天,都固定要花相當的時間忍痛去刺硬掉的筋(好像遍佈全身),這樣的過程,當然不是普通人能體驗,但,有誰知道,用這種方法,我治好了看過三位秘尿科大夫都還搞不定的頻尿?身上出現故障的部位,經過牛角(作用如針砭)的不斷修理後,都還在使用?這,當然不是神蹟,也不是奇蹟,只是對己身所抱持信念的實踐,要是我有任何懷疑,就不可能繼續實施,如同宗教信仰,你不相信的神祗,根本不會去膜拜,所以,如果你無法接受針砭的觀念,就別怪別人不認同你的信仰,因為,你信以為真的東西,並不是說用客觀的角度去分析,舉例去證明,人家就趨之若鶩,像外來炸雞、漢堡,不管多不健康,多令人詬病,愛吃的,還是大有人在,因此,萬物的取捨,可說端憑好惡,不願痛下針砭的,你苦口婆心,也無濟於事──不然,為何,觀念正確,有潔癖,拒絕被汙染的陳定南,英年早逝?我提這個成語典故,講這項醫術,目的,並不是為了濟世,而是為了讓世人知道,許多促進身心健康、對自己有益的東西,都不在自己能夠掌握的範圍之內,沒有特殊的機緣,很難理解,更難接觸──像針砭,出自別人口中,聽起來就不是那麼一回事,你想理出頭緒,門都沒有,因為,別人有商業考量,不可能像我這樣,幾句話,就講出訣竅,讓你DIY。我在場上教球,看到的,也是這個情況,明明算術就夠用了,你卻非得教微積分;明明都會講英文了,你還要教人家ABC. 當然,兩相情願,一個願打,一個願挨,不關我屁事,批評人家,也不見得就是自己高明,但,在熬過多年的求知與學習生涯之後,至少,我能說,如果你喜歡打網球,來找我,三十分鐘,就可以讓你拉好幾球;如果你想以非常的手段拔除積習,改正錯失,治療不癒的傷痛,痛下針砭,是最好的選擇。